Through The Eyes of Our Customers - Conversation with László Kónya, Managing Director of Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions10.10.2023

Through The Eyes of Our Customers - Conversation with László Kónya, Managing Director of Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions

For the Games for Business team, customer experience always be in focus! As the first participant in our newly launched interview series, we asked Laszlo Konya, Managing Director of Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions HU, about our joint project, the fruit of our cooperation, the "MovingInTogether" virtual headquarter onboarding platform and its success.

In May 2023, Deutsche Telekom IT Solutions, together with its more than 2500 colleagues who work in Budapest, moved to the office building of Telekom Hungary on Könyves Kálmán körút. Adapting to a new workplace environment can be a stressful situation for many, so the company decided to support its employees by introducing the Games for Business - The Learning Experience gamified learning platform. A playful digital experience in which users become motivated to explore the new environment can significantly reduce fear and resistance to inevitable change.

G4B: Before moving to the new Budapest office, you used a new gamified onboarding to prepare for the move. Why did you decide to apply the solution?

K.L.: At DT-ITS, digitization is important to us and the MovingInTogether platform perfectly reflects this commitment. In addition, we have many young colleagues, whom we can most easily appeal to with gamified solutions like this.

G4B: To what extent did the gamified onboarding make the move smoother?

K.L.: On the interactive interface, many of our colleagues have toured the building virtually before they saw it in person. All in all, we managed to spread the information about the new office to more of our colleagues thanks to playful learning, as if they had only read about it in a newsletter. We also gave the employees of our other locations the opportunity to get to know the new central headquarter building.

G4B: How successful was the program among colleagues? How did you measure it?

K.L.:  The interface was accessible for one month, during which time more than 1200 people registered. That’s approximately half of our Budapest colleagues, which I consider a very good rate. The MovingInTogether platform received an average rating of 4.69 (on a scale of 5) from our colleagues, and we planted a tree for everyone who completed all the tasks.

G4B: What was your personal favorite element in the project?

K.L.: Tree planting. I am proud that, thanks to my colleagues, we were able to plant more than 1200 trees (400 after those who completed the tasks and 800 extra trees granted by the company), thereby supporting the sustainability efforts of DT-ITS.

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